
A directory of all Virtual Staging AI API endpoints.

Test your setup

GET https://api.virtualstagingai.app/v1/ping

Use this endpoint to test that your setup is working correctly. Returns some data about your account.



    userObj: {
        email: "...",
        uid: "..."
    "photoLimit": 123,
    "photosUsedThisPeriod": 19

Create a new render

POST https://api.virtualstagingai.app/v1/render/create

This is the main endpoint of the API. Takes in a photo and virtually stages it.

Maximum concurrency per API account: 50.


Request Body


    result_image_url: string, // only if "wait_for_completion" was set to true
    render_id: string,
    removal_output: string // only if "wait_for_completion" was set to true and decluttering was performed

Store the Render ID if you wish to create further variations for this photo, or look up the render state using GET /v1/render

Get an existing render

GET https://api.virtualstagingai.app/v1/render

Use this to retrieve information about an existing render (e.g. show your users progress after starting a render with wait_for_completion=false).

This is available right after a render is created, even if the render status is rendering, so you can get the render info even if the render isn't done yet.

Query Parameters



    "render_id": "...",
    "status": "rendering" | "done" | "error",
    "created_at": 1685742540902, // epoch timestamp
    "outputs": string[], // will contain output image urls if status == "done". Will an entry for each new variation.
    "progress": 0.7432000000000001 // number 0-1
    "outputs_room_types": string[],
    "outputs_styles": string[]

Create a variation for an existing render

POST https://api.virtualstagingai.app/v1/render/create-variation

Creates a variation for an existing render. The render has to have been created using /v1/render/create beforehand.

All the same settings (room_type, etc.) from the first call will be used.

The render has to be in status done to start a new variation. The maximum amount of variations per render is 20.

Query Parameters


Request Body


    result_image_url: string, // only if "wait_for_completion" was set to true
    render_id: string

Store the Render ID if you wish to create further variations for this photo, or look up the render state using GET /v1/render.

If wait_for_completion was false, only the render_id will be returned and you'll have to look up the render state using GET /v1/render. Then, the output image of your variation will be appended to the outputs array and status will be rendering until the variation is done.

Get available room types & styles

GET https://api.virtualstagingai.app/v1/options

Returns the available styles and room types. They need to be passed into other endpoints exactly as the same strings as returned here.



    "styles": [
    "roomTypes": [

Last updated